St. Anastasia’s Church in Harriman Celebrates Memorial Day

All over the Hudson Valley, Memorial Weekend was filled with parades, religious services, wreathe-layings, and other celebrations honoring the brave soldiers who have served and given their lives in the U.S. Armed Forces. A long-standing tradition in Harriman, Orange County, has been an outdoor Mass on Memorial Day, along with honor guard, the reading of the names of those who have fallen, and the laying of a wreathe at the memorial in Harriman’s village square.

The weather this year, though very hot, allowed for the service to be held outdoors. All the key players were new: it was the first year for St. Anastasia’s pastor Fr. Michael Keane, music director Anthony Daino, and parish secretary Jean Marie Weinberg, whose awesome organizational skills brought everything and everyone together. Here are some photos from the event.

New patriots: The Daino twins wave their flags while Mom looks on.

Fr. Michael Keane gives Commuinion to a parishioner.

Fr. Eder Tamara, Fr. Michael Keane, and Deacon Brian O’Neill hold up the gifts.

The Knights of Columbus form a guard of honor.

Music director Anthony Daino leads the singing while Fr. Michael Keane and Deacon Brian O’Neill join in.

The names of the honored war dead from Harriman are read out.

Cold Spring Farmers’ Market Opens in Boscobel

Farm Market 1Locavores in Putnam and Upper Westchester Counties (as well as some of us from across the Hudson River) are flocking to the Cold Spring Farmers’ Market’s new spring/summer outdoor home at the historic Boscobel Restoration. The market made its debut at Boscobel on May 12 after having spent the colder months at the indoor site in Philipstown and after the unavailability of the previous outdoor location made a move necessary.

Regular patrons of the Cold Spring Farmers’ Market will find their favorite vendors,Farm Market 2 selling fruit and veggies,cheese, honey and other bee products, bread and a tempting variety of other savory and sweet baked goods, local wines, and much more. Vendors come on a rotation basis, so that you may find that the offerings differ slightly from week to week. (For example, my favorite yogurt concession from Ronnybrook Farms wasn’t there when I visited today.)

Farm Market 3Also on hand is a cheerful volunteer from Boscobel itself, to answer questions for those who have never visited this magnificent site. As an extra gesture of goodwill, Boscobel is offering free entry to its grounds on Saturdays (tours of the mansion will cost the usual fee), so that you can combine your shopping with a walk on the beautifully landscaped grounds or even a hike on the Frances Stevens Reese Woodland Trail. In fact, why not buy some bread and cheese, or a quiche or mini-pizza, or a freshly baked fruit pie at the market, and enjoy them at Boscobel’s picnic area?

The Cold Spring Farmers’ Market is open at Boscobel, just south of Cold Spring on the west side of Route 9D, from 8.30 am to 1.30 pm through November 17. Come and enjoy this beautiful, scenic site and, at the same time, support the local farmers by buying their healthful, fresh and tasty produce.

Farm Market 4Farm Market 5